Saturday, September 25, 2010

Minecraft, or "How I learned to stop worrying and love the creeper"

Alright, I gotta get this shit off my chest (presumably because minecraft shits on my chest).

I suck dick at minecraft. It's shameful. I never care about survival. i never prepare or make enough picks/shovels/etc. I forget to make armor pretty much every time. I run around at night like a boss. I jump over lava. I am shit at the game on purpose. Some people like to build amazing monuments to the lord of autism - I just want to get away with being a dick head as long as I can.

this is your god.


  1. You and I both, brother. Sometimes you have more fun playing the game it wasn't intended to be played.

  2. Everyone seems to be playin' MineCraft nowadays.

  3. I just recently got into Minecraft.

    Needless to say, my GPA will suffer.

  4. I have heard about minecraft, but I don't think I will be getting into it.
